Lace making is a process that compels operator’s attention for a long time. Lace maker is to mind her several previous steps and foreknow the next steps. Nothing must draw away her attention from current work.
It becomes possible if lace making is well grounded in all details. First of all bobbins are to be wound in proper quantity and placed next to the pillow. The bobbins are to be placed in so manner that threads can never be entangled.
Naturally inventors took care of special contrivances as well many years ago. We can see bobbin rest evolution looking at three construction types:
- – rests with parallel rods that are set at pair of columns (Fig.4.18);
- – rests with parallel girders that have free ends (Fig.4.19);
- – rests with girders that are set as umbrella spokes with free ends (Fig.4.20);
An “umbrella” rest is able to carry much more bobbin pairs. That is why authors of the book preferred this type of device (Fig.4.21, Fig.4.22).
The contrivance contains six combs that are fastened at the upper unmovable platform with hinges. This platform is set on the top of the rod. The rod rests on the lower unmovable platform. Steadiness of the rod is provided with four slats that are fastened with hinges. The third platform moves along the rod between two mentioned platforms.
In the normal state the movable platform is lifted and fixed tightly together with the upper platform. Combs lay on the movable platform and make six horizontal rays (camomile petals). At least dozen of bobbin pairs can be hung at every comb.
When lace making is over at the current work day, the rest for bobbins is being transformed in order to protect combs and decrease sizes of contrivance. For the purpose one must relax the movable platform and shift it down along the rod. In result combs will rotate and take up vertical position. A cylindrical cowl can be put on the combs to protect from dust and teeth damage