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2.6. Rests for flat pillows

Lace makers in West Europe and North America prefer to set patterns on wide flat pillows instead bolsters that are so popular in Eastern countries. In western lace making technique a pillow stays practically immovable. It makes possible to held the pillow on knees and use the simplest contrivances to fix its incline.

Nevertheless a flat pillow as well must have three degrees of freedom to deliver the following manipulations with pillow:

  • – rotating around the center of a pillow;
  • – inclining towards a lace maker;
  • – lifting a pillow along vertical axe.

That is why rests are invented for flat rests too. A study table is inconvenient as rest since it is immovable in the room. It would be better if a lace maker had an independent rest for the pillow. Such a rest naturally could be set at the best illuminated place of the room.

Multiple examples of pillow rests are shown in books[5] and in the World Wide Web. These have one of prototype:

  • – rests (“horse”, “goat”) having four leg;
  • – reading (music) stands having one leg.

During experiments with equipment for lace making authors of the book made a rest for a disk pillows too. Our rest (Fig.2.38- Fig.2.40) provides regulations:

Fig.2.38. Author’s rest for disk pillows
Fig.2.38. Author’s rest for disk pillows
  • – shift 60 to 80 cm (24 … 32 inches) along vertical axe;
  • – swinging 0 to 600 around horizontal axe.
Fig.2.39. Units of the rest
Fig.2.39. Units of the rest
Fig.2.40. Mushroom pillow on the rest
Fig.2.40. Mushroom pillow on the rest

The bearing post moves between two flats. The height of a disk is fixed by means of squeezing the flats. The incline of a disk provides a hinge braked with a rubber washer. The steadiness of the rest is guaranteed by size of platform. There is enough room for lace maker’s feet. The bearing post is fastened with three inclined flats.